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ASys cloud platform

The Platform ASys is a unique software tool for enterprise system management based on a single model

Using ASys Platform you can build a business model and a business management system of your enterprise without programming.

Since the Platform ASys is available over the Internet you don't need to install any software on your computer to work with the services of the Platform.

An up-to-date graphics editor makes visualization and enterprise business model building simple and exciting.

You can build business process, project and task templates using the graphics editor   and see the real-time model of your business on all management levels from the strategic level of interaction with other organizations to employee activity management.

You can also create user forms for viewing and editing information about business model objects without programming, customize visibility,   behaviour and launching of business-cases and business ASys.

Business model visualization

Enterprise business models are not just drawn but created on the basis of the information from ASys data base.

Designing and form generation

In our system you can create adaptive cases for solving any tasks within several minutes.

Process anf project designing

Only with our system you can launch the designed process from the editor.